Friday, June 29, 2012

Greetings and introduction

There are several reasons to write a blog probably the best one is to share experiences and expertise that you may think can help others.
But, in all honesty I think the more truthful is that we want to in somehow, remain and resonate in the web and feel a sort of feedback about opinions and experiences. After all, the whole idea is to feel the illusion of connection and contribute in a humble way to our field of expertise.
So what is this blog about?
I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in environmental microbiology area, with more than ten years experience in academia. Additionally, I have worked in different professional settings outside academia including film production and import/export.  I have accumulated experiences and learned about not only techniques but also about horizontal management, problem solution and negotiation.
I hope, this blog becomes just not only a personal diary but also a good reference for other scientist fellows and for those that like me share the experience of being a scientific with an entrepreneurial soul.